Why is BBC iPlayer so shit?
I accept that my broadband connection is slow and may be congested sometimes but there is nothing more annoying than an error message that is blatantly untrue. BBC iPlayer quite often shows the rotating pink doughnut which is annoying enough but what really pisses me off is when it suddenly just gives up and shows the ‘insufficient bandwidth’ error without even trying. Other times it will freeze without the doughnut then miss out a chunk of program before it starts again. This is not acceptable and is bad programming, nothing else. This has been going on for years without a fix. if it is down to Adobe then it is time they found a better alternative. The YouTube video player is much better. Why can’t iPlayer buffer the stream when you hit pause to go for a pee? On return, the buffered video makes later freezing much less likely. The new iPlayer radio is shite too. No wonder the BBC closed the iPlayer discussion board a while ago.
If your amp is tired, temperamental, sick, dying or dead you have come to the right place!
LaLuna Technology is an electronic repair workshop based in Hadfield, UK. It is a one man band owned and run by myself, Dan Davenport. I specialize in musician’s amplification repairs, valve (tube) guitar amplifiers, mixing desks and PA. I am near Glossop, twelve miles from the centre of Manchester and twenty six miles over the moors from Sheffield.
32 Station Road, Hadfield, Glossop. SK13 1BQPh:07761394965 or 01457 597018

Common Services
Guitar amplifier repairs and valve replacement
Loss of power, valve rattle and snaps crackles and pops are all possible symptoms of tired tubes. A heavily used amp can easily wear out tubes in 6 months. Bring it in for a valve test.
Valve amp mods
Mixing Desk Servicing
I have had a lot of success with Dynacord Powermate 600, Powermate 1000 and Powermate 1600 MK1 & MK2 mixer/amps popular with pub singers and vocal groups. These are the older and heavier ones but there are still a lot of them out on the road. The common fault with these is one blown power amp which lights the protection LED. Fixing this fault on a pm1000 will cost £170 including parts (new set of power transistors on blown channel), labour and six month warranty. A pm600 would be £115. It may be something simpler which would of course cost you less.
Power amp repair
Some PA rack mount amps can be fixed economically, depends what’s gone and make/model.
Noisy control pot clean and lube or replacement
Audio cable repair
Faulty input jack replacement
Speaker testing and replacement
PAT safety testing
Get your amps (especially vintage ones) safety tested if you don’t want to risk going to rock heaven in the footsteps of Keith Relf of the Yardbirds who died of electrocution while playing through an badly earthed guitar amp. Valve amps can use HT supplies in excess of 500 Volts DC which is more than enough to stop your heart! A lot of venues ask to see proof of PAT testing before they let you play. PAT test on a guitar amp, mains cable and multiway extension inc. certificate would cost you £10.
Home audio visual gear repairs
Rejected Business Names
Dan’s Amp Surgery
Doctor Dan’s Power-amp Pitstop
Doctor Davenport’s Noise Clinic
Nurse Davenports Tubetastic Sound Shop
Dark Peak Electronics Workshop
Dark Peak Vaults